Research |
Research Interest
1. Developing novel analytical methods for studying drug interactions
Develop and establish novel analytical methods based on MS, such as ESI-MS,MALDI-MS and ICP-MS, to study the interaction between antitumor compounds and biological targets.
Develop and establish secondary ion mass spectrometric imaging method to study the cellular uptake, distribution and destination of anticancer drugs inside cells.
2. Development of new methods and a new system for in-situ liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry
Develop new methology of in situ and real-time liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) by interfacing SIMS with a high vacuum compatible microfluidic device;
Application of in-situ liquid SIMS as an in-situ "molecular eye" to perform in-situ real-time analysis on various liquid surfaces or solid-liquid interfaces (electrode-electrolyte interface, heterogeneous catalytic reaction, bio-soft material interface such as cell membrane);
Develop a new instrumental system of in-situ liquid SIMS with high-quality mass resolution and expand its application.
3. Research and development of multi-targeted anticancer drugs
Design and synthesis multi-targeted metal complexes targeting both key signal transduction proteins and DNA;
In vitro and in vivo screening and evaluation of metal-based anti-tumour compounds;
The structure-activity study of metal-based anti-tumour compounds;
The pharmacological, toxicological, pharmacokinetic and metabolic studies of metal-based anti-tumour drugs;
4. Chemical biology study based on multi-functional molecular probes
Design and develop multi-functional small-molecular probes that can recognize both specific signal transduction proteins and DNA;
Study the interaction between the multi-functional molecular probes and the biological targets to explore the cellular signalling pathways and networks;
Study the interactions between the multi-functional molecular probes and receptors and their regulation to the signal transduction network to discover and pharmacologically valuable and clinically promising lead compounds.
Applying the multi-functional molecular probes to screen and identify biomarkers and drugable targets;
Current Research Projects
2020.1 – 2024.12, NSFC National Major Research Project on Scientific Instruments:High resolution in situ liquid SIMS system (21927804),8 million CNY
2016.1 – 2019.12, NSFC General Project: Methodology for investigations on the molecular mechanisms of metal antitumor drugs on the basis of chemical genetics (21575145), 0.78 million CNY